CTAG hosts the first in-house workshop of SALIENT: Reshaping the future of the automotive industry

Internal training within an organisation is the process of enhancing employees' skills, attitudes and knowledge on a certain subject to improve their competence levels. This is paramount when working in high technology organizations such as CTAG-Automotive Technology Center of Galicia, the coordinator of the SALIENT project. At CTAG’s headquarters in Spain, more than one thousand professionals, most with engineering backgrounds, do their utmost to support and are giving their best to support the global automotive industry in their research and innovation needs.

The SALIENT project aligns with this goal and has vouched to organise two in-house workshops during its lifetime in order to spread and strengthen the social and economic impact of the project results within the partner organisations. CTAG organised the first of these in-house workshops, that took place in December 2023, aiming to share knowledge, experience, and preliminary results among their scientists and researchers.

This workshop was held in a hybrid format (online and on-site) to facilitate life conciliation and ensure the highest possible number of attendees. Three speakers were involved, including the main researchers of SALIENT and the coordinator itself.

Raquel Ledo, Head of the Materials Innovation Area at CTAG, presented the project and its scope to the audience. Following, Vanessa Ventosinos, Senior Researcher at CTAG, introduced the main principles of circular economies, inviting the audience to think about the shift of perspective that their adoption and wide-spread implementation will imply for the automotive sector in the near future.

The closure was driven by Miguel Moldes Carballal, Technician in Materials Innovation at CTAG, in charge of the eco-design of the front-end structure in SALIENT, who made a brief introduction to the eco-design methodology and its application in an automotive study case, using SALIENT as a practical example of good practices. In the end, all participants had the opportunity to pose questions to the speakers and a brief debate about the impact of these novel methodologies on the transport sector.

Overall, the workshop was a full success and reached a total of 26 attendees, spreading the awareness and insights from the SALIENT project not only across the entire CTAG team but subsequently to the customers and partners of CTAG, which include many large vehicle manufacturers, designers and OEMs, who can greatly benefit and take up the SALIENT design concept.

Authors: Denise Garcia Murias, CTAG


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